Monday 2 July 2018

Indian Navy

lakshpatra INDIAN NAVY   

  •  Indian Navy is 5th largest navy in the world. 
      Indian Navy has three commands centers- Eastern command ,southern command  and the  last  and very important western command.
  •  Location of these command office
           Eastern command - Visakhapatnam.
           Southern command -Kochi.    
           Western  command -Mumbai.

  • Chief of  naval staff is head of  Indian Naval Staff.

                       Chief of Indian Navy -Admiral Sunil Lanba
laksh patra

 Admiral Sunil Lamba took command of the Indian Navy as the 23rd Navy Chief on 31 May 16.

Admiral Lamba, is a navigation and guidance expert who has served as the navigation and Operation Officer of several naval ships both in the East and West Fleet. In their nearly four decades of experience, the shores, on the shores of various headquarters, include functioning and training organizations, as well as Triple Service Institutions.Among his marine appointments are INS Kakinada's command, a special mining captain, Maj Wessel, INS Himagiri, ICC painter class freeze, INS Ranivijay, one Kashin category destroyer and INS Mumbai. He was also the executive officer of Aircraft Carriers, INS Virat and Fleet Operations Officer of the Western Fleet.

Admiral Lamba's career has been packed with the services of three great services, training, operation and duty in the sea along with the international navy in India.  

As the training officer of the National Defense Academy, as Director of Defense Management College and as the Commandant of National Defense College, Admiral Lamba has worked closely with professional training, leading the future and the Indian Army officers when the force Flag Officer at the local work-team team (West) was a part of training institute, accelerating the skills of Western Naval command mastery skills done.

At the height of the flag rank, Admiral Lamba has done many important works in the Navy. He was also responsible for the change in the training process for the Indian Navy in the future, which worked as the head of the military naval command.After that, Admiral took the layer of Flag Officer C Training, where he made changes to increase the effectiveness of the planes and developed a campaign to run the campaign. Later, he appointed the commander of the important Maharashtra and Gujarat water sector flag states of Maharashtra and Gujarat Naval sector and implemented the important coastal security initiative with the Multiracial Coordination Mechanism, after which the safe sea and coastal areas.

Before taking office as head of Naval Staff, Admiral Lamba has been the Commanding-in-Chief Flag Officer of Southern and Western NCC Commanders, in which they provide training for training and skill development, coordination, co-ordination and coastal security. Made. , And the development of infrastructure in the western coastal and Lakshadweep and Minici islands

Admiral is a special service medal and an exclusive service medal recipient for the Memorial Service and is also the honorary assistant-de-cam of the President of India. He presided over the Head of the Staff Committee on 01 January 2017


Commitment to self-reliance in the Indian Navy (IN) First Indian ship INS Ajay was introduced in the beginning of 1961.

After this, in the middle of the 60's, the Navy created the Leander Class Frigates on the tap from the traditional navel. After this, much time has come to encourage and encourage ships / submarine designs, building materials, machinery, equipment and systems of the industry with the modern industry .

However, some equipment and systems (enough in price but enough in price) are still being received from abroad. Development in the area of ​​the naval systems is natural and needs large investment of time, money and resources. The advancement in technology is not protecting defense now and it is often the civil sector and the commercial problems that run the technology today.

The industry, including private sector and academia, can play a vital role in meeting the modern needs of the armed forces by its cost-effective and cost-effective utilization of existing infrastructure.

Naval equipment is designed to face a very harsh ocean environment and is usually designed for the Naval Engineering Standard (NES) / Indian Navy (in) special standard approved by the professional director at IHMO (N) Are there. Common objectives that exclude nanimal devices are some of the shock standards, according to JSA 55555 and EMI / EMC testing. To develop with the testing process, different standards are needed, technical requirements (SOTA)


Saturday 16 June 2018

Indian Air Force


indian airforceindian airforceindian airforce

indian defence forces

  • It is no wonder that the IAF is considered one of the largest air forces in the world. It is the world's fourth largest air force after the US, Russia and China. Indian Air Force  was formed on October 8, 1932 under the Indian Air Force Act, and for the past several years it has proved its worth in various wars and peacekeeping missions.
  • After King George VI, the Indian Air Force (IAF) was known as Royal Indian Air Force from 1945 to 1950. After becoming a republic, the pre-fix royal was released in 1950.
  • The ideal of Indian Air Force, 'Nabha Sparsham Deeptham', which means 'Touch the sky with magnificence', is taken from the eleventh chapters of Bhagwad Geeta.
  • The IAF has more than 60 airbases in India, which are divided into seven orders. Western Air Command is the largest with 16 airborne keys and is the smallest with the Central Air Command 7 air bases. AIF is an outside base from India like in Farak Khore in Tajikistan. It is the first and only military base of India outside the country.
  • Since 1933, the logo on IAF Golddale, IAF's aircraft and flag has been changed four times.
  • The first woman Air Marshal in the Indian Air Force is Padmavathy Bandopadhyay. For her conduct during the Indo-Pakistani War in 1971 she was awarded the Vishisht Seva Medal (VSM).
  • In 2004, the  AIF special force unit 'Ghudud Commando Force' was established. Today there are more than 2,000 trained personnel in the unit who conduct research, rescue and accident relief operations.
  • The world's largest civilian rescue campaign IAF used the name 'Operation Relief'. The rescue operations were used by helicopters and it was started to evacuate people affected by floods in northern India. This operation flew over 19,600 people and lifted 3,82,400 kilograms of relief materials and equipment.
  • The world's largest civilian rescue campaign IAF used the name 'Operation Relief'. The rescue operations were used by helicopters and it was started to evacuate people affected by floods in northern India. This operation flew over 19,600 people and lifted 3,82,400 kilograms of relief materials and equipment. 

 Flag of  Indian Air Force 




Tuesday 5 June 2018

The indian defence forces

indian armyindian armyindian defence forces


The indian defence forces
indian defence forces

 India Army is a Second largest force in world. A Indian Army is a life line of India.The main work of Indian Army to make India secure from internal and external events .Soldiers of these defense forces are real Heroes they gave there life to there country without taking care of there own families.To join an Indian army is very proud full moment of any Indian citizen.

indian army logo

 भारतीय सेना स्लोगन्स Slogans for Indian Army

1)भारतीय सेना  में पराक्रम है अपार |

भारतीय सेना दुश्मन को धूल चाटाने के लिए है बेक़रार ||

2)भारतीय सेना में सवासौ 125, करोड़ नागरिको  का शक्ति का संचार |

राष्ट्र की सेना दुश्मन के इरादे ध्वस्त करने को बेक़रार ||

3)भारतीय सेना के इरादे है बुलंद |

भारतीय सेना दुश्मन का कर देगी नेश्तानबून्द ||

4)भारतीय सेना में देश की सवासौ 125,करोड़ जनता की शक्ति है समाहित |

भारतीय सेना दुश्मन के बुरे इरादे ध्वस्त करके है  उत्साहित ||

5)भारतीय रक्षा एजेंसी है चाक चौबंद |

भारत माता की रक्षा के लिए चौबीस घंटे है मुस्तैद ||

6)सेना के किसी साजो समाज का विडियो क्लिप मत बनइए |

देश की रक्षा में विघ्न  मत डालिए ||

7)देश की रक्षा करना है हर नागरिक का कर्त्तव्य |

देश हेत में सेना के मूवमेंट का मत बनिए विडियो क्लिप ||

8)सेना का मनोबल देश का हर नागरिक करे ऊँचा |

भारतीय सेना का कद है आसमान जैसा ऊँचा || 

9)भारतीय सेना है अत्याधिक सतर्क |

दुश्मन को है धूल चाटने मै अलर्ट ||

10)आतंकवाद की जड़े  दुश्मन के  देश में  है गहरी |

भारतीय सेना ने आतंकवादियो को नुकसान पहुचाया है भारी ||

11)भारतीय सेना मै शक्ति है अपार |

 राष्ट्र की सेना दुश्मन से मुकाबले के लिए है बेक़रार ||

12)भारतीय सेना शांति का मसीहा ,,

13)भारतीय सेना की प्रबंधन छमता  का है दुनिया में नाम ,,

14)भारतीय सेना का युद्ध कौशल है बेजोड़ |
भारतीय सेना की शक्ति शौर्य का नहीं है तोड़ ||

                                              Life in Army
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